Arinbbot Pricing

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Lead Bot package include?

The lead bot package includes Bot Creation, Bot Set-up on website,Chat integration to registered email.Does not include chat transcript.


Do you provide support?

our dedicated support team is ready to assist you promptly. Reach out to our support channels, and our technical experts will work diligently to identify and address any issues affecting the bot’s performance. Please email us to and we will do the needful.

Is the AI 100% perfect?

Nothing or no one is perfect. The AI Assistant just provides information fed to it. The more information you as a client provides, the more we can give input to the AI Assistant to give the best possible answers.

What is the future of AI Assistant?

We cannot predict the future, but then our research team is continuously working to make it better and better and we strive to add in more features. As of now our clients who are using are quite happy with the results.